An Exercise Book for the Spirit of Humanity - Practicing LOVE is about developing a universal framework for strengthening our capacity to love and grow in times where hope and faith are needed. It helps us work on increasing the love we have for ourselves while connecting with others in a healthy and positive manner. There are guidelines to Practicing Love and information to digest upon starting.
This book/journal touches on how to view and understand our personal past, honesty, fear, insecurities, technology and its effects. These topics are part of all our lives and vital to our growth. Understanding the impact will assist us in becoming critical thinkers and an active participant in life. Practicing LOVE is an ongoing exercise, a stepping stone in the right direction that will strengthen us in becoming grounded with humility and humanity while making a difference in the lives of others. Small steps with great impacts. Journal writing and sketch pages are provided at the back of the book for expression.
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Reflective Times & Critical Thinking

Hic liber me statim cepit honestus, sagacissimus et cogitabundus exasperans, et percussus sum quam facile referre possem ad plures conceptus. Auctor sentiebam multas cogitationes et sensus quos ipse expertus sum enuntiare, numquam tamen tempus cogitandi, cognoscendi vel cognoscendi cepi.
Mandata provisa sunt animum, sapientem et pulchram, et lectorem adhortantur ad discendum et experiendum gaudia, quae consequuntur ex actu, ut videtur, actus simplices, qui proh dolor amissi sunt in complexu instrumentorum socialium et societatis hodiernae technologiae agitatae. Notiones hae sunt ut indulgentiam permittentes, aestimativae, cotidianae beneficiorum actiones, et mundo ex amore appropinquantes.
In his provocationibus ac penitus divisivis temporibus, nuntii in hoc libro plus quam umquam desiderantur.

Sunt homines in hoc mundo qui corda nostra attingere possunt modis profundis et significativis. Hic liber est illius commemoratio, quod maximum nostrum donum est amare et amare DIFFICILE….Quicumque vel quid obvium est, calcitrare ostium illud descende…quod habes fac lumen semper circa te…hoc non semel legitur, hic liber in sacculo tuo servandus est memoriale, ut, si dies tuus vel aliquis ad te accesserit, Amorem iniicias, Amoris luce te circumda.
Gratias tibi ago Ray pro Admonitio.. et sic NYC vere facere te potest in animam amaram!
Andreas Soliz
Hey guys, I think you should take a look at this new inspirational book called PracticingLOVE. Pro omnibus qui salebra adhortationis/positivitatis uti possent, hunc librum habere debes. Pluribus experimentis in hac lectione depictis facile coniungere potui et referre, quae aliis communicanda esse censeo. Gratias agimus tibi benigne, Ray, quia oculos aperiens et afflatus ad cotidianas vitae consuetudines.