The power of thoughts and ideas, why wouldn't I be able to tour Barnes & Noble with my artwork like authors with their books? is what I asked myself as I was sitting at the Barnes & Noble café on 82nd St. To me, Barnes & Noble is like Toys R Us to a child. The amount of life and knowledge in a bookstore always amazes me. Feeling this way about the location made it hard for me to think how my idea would not work. Within three months I formulated my idea into a proposal and arranged a meeting with Barnes & Noble community relations manager. The idea was welcomed, and the date was set! November 4, 2002 at the Yonkers, Central Avenue location.
Preparing for this night would be different from my previous exhibits. I now had an audience to speak to aside from having my work up. I attempted to lay out a plan of topics, as I was going through this process it dawned on me that would be my downfall. I realize I cannot plan what life presents to me nor can I control outside elements. I would just have to feed the energy from the audience, they will determine my direction.
To my surprise many turned out. This was also in part due to a local reporter, Patrick E. McCarthy who was kind with his words and wrote an article promoting the event. My ideas and thoughts had now become a reality. This was the first of six Barnes & Noble locations I had exhibits and promoted my philosophy of life. The following exhibits presented me with the opportunity to share and collaborate with other talented artists. My work was accompanied by Satish, a great musician and his tool of choice and Virgina Mesones, an actress who spoke in silence.
The few that heard about the idea thought there was no chance of this coming to fruition. I am sharing this because there are no boundaries to what one can achieve. Fear is not a word I wish to entertain or have it accompany me in life in any way. Life will present opportunities and if it does not, then go out and create them. This venue was the first of its kind and an amazing one it was.